Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Do I Love Thee Essays - 866 Words

Whitney Perez April 11, 2013 AP English Roben Poetry Quarter 3 Response Essay In both poems, How Do I Love Thee and The Definition of Love Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Andrew Marvell use figurative language, imagery, diction and tone to depict love as a feeling and less on the object of love. Browning believes that love doesnt have boundaries, physical nor spiritual. However Marvell believes love and fate are an opposing force always battling. In this sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, love is everything and the poet tries to list the different types of love that she feels, and it becomes a new way of expressing her affection for thee. In line 1of the sonnet Browning begins by stating a question that the†¦show more content†¦The comparison of her love to her faith shows that she is dedicated and devoted to both, and that her love is not necessarily seen but it is felt. â€Å"The Definition of Love† by Andrew Marvell is about being in love with the idea of love but not being in love with the person. When he says â€Å"My Love† in the first stanza, he doesnt mean the woman he is in love with but Love itself. He starts by setting up his love as an impossible one, saying it was begotten â€Å"upon impossibility†. In stanza two he uses an oxymoron by saying, â€Å"Magnanimous Despair† and â€Å"feeble Hope†. Magnanimous means generous, however why would despair be generous and hope be feeble. In the third and fourth stanza Marvell mentions Fate. Fate has seen how perfect they are for each other but doesn’t let it happen. Marvell says it would be â€Å"her ruin† for them to be together. By that he implies that love is stronger than anything and when achieved â€Å"tyrannic† Fate could end itself. He couldn’t achieve it and is therefore left heart broken and weak. Marvell compared Fate to â€Å"iron† and â€Å"steel†. He uses those words to show how strong and immobile Fate is. Marvell gives us a glimpse of how he feels about love in the fifth stanza whe n he compares the lovers to the Earths â€Å"poles†. The term â€Å"poles† is used as a form of distance and separation. Towards the end Marvell again highlights the fact that Fate interferes with their love because it keeps pulling them apart.Show MoreRelatedHow Do I Love Thee?839 Words   |  4 PagesLove is an emotion that everyone experiences in their life. Either a low for something or for someone. People express their love differently. The two poems, â€Å"How Do I Love Thee?† by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† by C. Marlowe, each talk about their love for their special someone. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Regional Trade Arrangements Of Africa And Their Motives Essay

2. Regional Trade Arrangements in Africa and Their Motives Regionalism has become one of the buzz words in international trade diplomacy nowadays. There is almost no country in the world which does not have membership in one or two regional economic integrations, and the coverage and scope of these arrangements have grown more than ever before. Different authors have used different approaches to define the concept of regional integration. Therefore, it is important to discuss the definitions of economic integration according to the most prominent authors in the field of regional integration before taking on the theoretical and empirical literatures of the concept. One of the widely accepted definitions of economic integration is that of Balassa (1961), which is defined as â€Å"the abolition of discrimination within an area†. Another very important definition of economic integration relevant to developing countries is that of Kahnert, P. Richards, Stoutjesdijk, and Thomopoulos (1969). According to these authors, economic integration is â€Å"the process of progressive removal of trade discriminations which occur at national borders†. Furthermore, Machlup (1977) defines economic integration as a process of merging separate economies into a larger economic region with the objective of realizing the efficient utilization of all potential opportunities of the division of labor. From the above definitions, it can be inferred that all the definitions spin around one central point; andShow MoreRelatedThe Direction Of Bilateral Trade Flows Across Countries Or Regional Economic Blocs Essay2172 Words   |  9 Pages4.2. Conclusion This study has indicated that there are some differences as to what determines the direction of bilateral trade flows across countries or regional economic blocs. The motives behind the formation of such arrangements disparate from region to region hence, there are differing arguments that explain the rationale for their set up. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Research Trends in the Academy of Management Publications Free Essays

Research trends in the Academy of Management publications In order to reach the organization’s goals, management acts its way by its techniques and topics that is essential for the success of the company. There are a lot of changes and improvements that can cause to the disappearance of the management topics and techniques that organizations use for its own benefit. I appreciate reading this article that somehow updates us on what is happening on management topics, why do these topics disappear, stays, and re-emerge, and what are the common techniques used by the management of each organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Trends in the Academy of Management Publications or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first hypothesis about the management topics says that some are historic and that they emerged then died out over time. People nowadays are very trendy and they tend to imitate what are the topics most popular in their environment. These people study and use those topics that make them think can fit in into the society. Just like in business, management topics also undergo a cycle. At first they will grow slowly, and then they will burst till they reach their peak point where a lot of people patronize their services/products. Sooner or later, their business fades as the people who first patronize their products discover new ones that are trending and popular in the society. Because of this, they try to change and develop new products that would satisfy the wants and needs of the consumers leading to the disappearance of the first products they made. I can’t say that each management techniques are perfect, so if there are new ideas that are developed due to the experiences of each organizations and curiosity of mankind trying to improve and upgrade that specific technique, then that management technique disappears and being replaced by a new and better one. The second hypothesis tells that some management topics are classical and have become institutionalized over time. Even though people nowadays are conscious with the topics that are popular nowadays, there are others who give importance to these topics. Some topics are so significant that organizations do not want to remove them for those topics leads their business to success. These management topics give them ideas on how they will operate their business to become stable in the industry. Most usinessmen now continue to use and development these management topics because they believe that this can help them in achieving their success. These are their tools to reach their organizational objectives and accomplishments. If these techniques continue to help organizations then these will never fade out and will continue to be institutionalized making these topics stay for a long period of time. The third hypothesis states that some management topics are resurgent in that they emerged, di ed out, and then re-emerged over time. There are a lot of techniques that could help these topics to become useful again. With comprehensive study and analysis, these topics will soon be popularized and then used from generation to generation. This hypothesis challenges the researchers to do better study and brainstorming in order to have creative ideas on how they can develop these management topics. All things need improvement in order to fit in into society. Because, we humans, are not easily contented of what we have and can always find ways in creating other ideas better than the other. Some researching think they have created new ideas but had already emerged in the past but disappeared. Most companies make innovations on their products/services offered in the market in order to provide continuous satisfaction to the consumers. And so with this management topic, it needs further study and development to be continuously useful in the world of management. Management topics evolve like businesses do. They both undergo the same process cycle. At first is the birth of the keyword or topic then next is their growth until they reach their maturity where most of the people use it or the topic became popular. The cycle doesn’t end here but it continues to its post-maturity stage where its usefulness to the society declines. But with our generation nowadays, people are intellectual enough to explore new discoveries to satisfy the needs and wants of the society. And with this, it makes the management topic become more stable and continue to provide more knowledge to the researchers and readers. Having adequate knowledge about the history of these management topics we have right now makes each researchers and readers more interested on the topic. Some may show lack of interest but once they go deeper to the history about these management topics, they would find it really amazing on how this were useful to the industry and very effective on every organization. This study is very helpful to researchers that really want to know more about management because it is part of their study to keep track of the trends in the field of management. We can never reach our future if we do not know our history. Same goes with studying management, reaching the finish line of this field is impossible unless we learn and study its history. How to cite Research Trends in the Academy of Management Publications, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Internet of Things in Smart cities Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Internet of Things in Smart cities. Answer: Introduction: The technological advancement in the development of the smart city helps in achieving the economic growth of the city, increasing rate of employment, use of new application, facilitating green environment, minimizing the use of power supply, and supporting cleanliness of the society. The sustainability of the society can be improved by inducing the interconnection between different IoT devices like buses, smart phones, cars, weather station, traffic light signals, kiosks, smart meters, parking sensors, electronic displays, thrash bins, surveillance cameras, smart watches, and etc. The lighting system of the street is changed with the display of LED network. The traffic on the roads should be controlled by the real time traffic management system (Mijjac, 2012). The active participation of the local citizen helps in the mitigation of the pollution, omission of happening accidents, advancement in the productivity system, increasing economic growth, and providing luxurious life to the co mmon man. The basic requirement of planning the smart city is the use and deployment of the smart devices. The organization of the smart city is capable of developing smart citizen, smart production of energy, deployment of smart security system, development of the smart building, inclusion of the smart transportation system, applicability of the smart infrastructure, requirement plan for smart health care system, and placement of the smart technology according to the requirement. The population of the world is increasing at a very faster rate so to manage the population density the requirement of developing the smart city arises because it helps in managing the residential forum for them, providing better transportation services, minimize accident due to the traffic control, and etc. The infrastructure of the smart city is equipped with the self-configuration objects which are capable of managing communication and connection at the global level (Ahlgren, 2013). The IoT devices shou ld characterised with the features like good storage capacity, increased processing speed, improved reliability, accuracy, better performance, and improved security system (Vida, 2016). The innovations in the world of digital technologies have motivated the researches to undergo the planning of the smart city with the inclusion of IoT devices and network. The deployment of the sensor network helps in minimizing the chane of casualty and theft. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to design an infrastructure of the smart city in relation with the IoT device. The IoT network should comprised of IoT devices for providing smart services to the common people of the society on their demand. The deployment of the sensor network helps in predicting geographical location of the object (Loia, 2014). The security system is the major advantage of transforming the city to the smart city. The increasing rate of crimes will be minimized to a much larger extent due to the inclusion of surveillance cameras on the street sites (Mylonas, 2013). The problems of the common man in relation to the health, transportation, and security can be resolved with the deployment of the undertaken project. Problem Statement: The project is undertaken for constructing the smart city by making use of technological advancement in the field of internet. The devices placed in carrying over functional program of the city should be interconnected for managing the proper communication between them at global level. This paper helps in predicting the advantages and the facility providing to the common people of the city. Conclusion The conclusion of this paper is to manage connection between different IoT devices placed in the city for coordination and to provide accuracy in the facility provided to the society. The development of the surveillance system, smart parking system, smart building and homes, and etc. helps in increasing the economic growth of the city which in turn plays an important role in nation economy. References: Ahlgren, B. (2013). Internet of things for smart cities: Standards and opportunities. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8986/263acaa4e153e7acddc0bf9c9b5ce6f56479.pdf Loia, V. (2014). IoT based smart cities: A survey. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301790173_IoT-based_Smart_Cities_a_Survey Mijjac, M. (2012). Smart city services driven by IoT: A systematic review. Retrieved from https://www.jesd-online.com/dokumenti/upload/separated/Vol%204%20No%202_Paper4.pdf Mylonas, S. (2013). Development and IoT smart city framework. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261463912_Developing_an_IoT_Smart_City_framework Vida, R. (2016). IoT in Smart cities. Retrieved from https://www.hte.hu/documents/10180/2836425/1_4_Vida_Rolland_MJIK2016.pdf